The beginning of the end
So I've decided to start my blog again. I haven't blogged for.... oh, I don't know... years. When I was last into it, I was pregnant with my first daughter. She's nearly 11. It's been a long time. I still have thoughts and feelings that I would love to write down. Even if no one reads them. Especially if no one reads them, I'd prefer it if they didn't. I am going to keep my name anonymous because I feel like the purpose of this is to be honest and I can't be honest if I'm worried about who's reading this. There will be no names, no distinguishing photos, nothing that will connect back to me. I feel like that's the only way I can make this blog what I want it to be. I want it to be about me, me and my life. I want it to be a selfish place where I can bitch and moan and be almost free therapy. I think that's how I'll treat it. The title of this blog "This is not the life I promised you" came from The Greatest Showman. H...